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2019 Hero Challenge 巴塘·措普沟国际山地自行车挑战赛(C级)

比赛时间:2019-09-27 08:30-2019-09-27 15:00

报名时间:2019-08-14 21:01-2019-09-06 21:01

比赛地点:四川 甘孜 巴塘县

主 办 方: 巴塘县人民政府






  • 35KM精英组(自助参赛)(298)里程:35km 开赛时间:2019/09/27 08:30剩余200人
  • 35KM精英组(无忧参赛)(698)里程:35km 开赛时间:2019/09/27 08:30剩余200人

骑行户外天堂  朝圣康巴之魂

2019 Hero Challenge 巴塘·措普沟国际山地自行车挑战赛

Batang Cuopugou International Mountain Bike Challenge


    巴塘是格萨尔王的故乡,藏族歌舞的海洋,与四川甘孜理塘、乡城县,西藏芒康、盐井县和云南省德钦县交界,是318国道四川进入西藏之前的最后一个县城。由于海拔相对较低,物产丰饶、山川秀丽、水果甘甜、人杰地灵,有“藏地江南 弦子故乡”之美誉。



    对标“环法”级的山地车赛事——Hero Challenge

    HERO起源于阿尔卑斯最后的秘境多洛米蒂山(Dolomiti),Hero山地车赛有世界最难的山地赛之称,历经9年发展,具有极佳口碑与国际影响力,HERO World Series系列赛不仅在意大利举办,还已落地迪拜、泰国等国家地区。HERO与国内精品赛事运营商中华户外网携手,响应一带一路,承袭欧洲顶级山地车赛事品牌,落地中国极致目的地川西第一秘境——措普沟,打造中国山地车赛事典范。
















    三、协办单位:Hero Challenge
































    2. 组委会为参赛选手提供一次性计时芯片,计时芯片将在参赛物品领取现场与号码布、号码牌等一同发放,不收取芯片押金,参赛者须按要求正确佩带芯片。参赛者行进中必须逐一通过地面的计时感应地毯,如参赛者缺少任何一个计时点的成绩,则取消该参赛者的比赛成绩。组委会将对参赛者间两个芯片在每两个计时点的成绩误差少于0.1秒的进行核查,确认携带2个芯片者,将取消相关者的成绩并追加处罚。











































   Registration Notes


2019 Hero China Batang Cuopugou International Mountain Bike Challenge

    I.Hosts: Batang County People's Government

    II.Organizers: Batang County Cuopu Ditch Scenic Tourism Development LLC.

    III.Co-organizers: Hero Challenge

    IV.Race Date:Friday, September 27, 2019 (8:30am)

    V.Race Venue: Sichuang Province Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Batang County Cuopugou

    VI.Registration Period: Starts at 12:00, July 31 and closes at 24:00, September 6.

    VII.Event Background:

    1.Batang - Cradle of Xianzi, Jiangnan of Tibetan Areas

    Batang is the hometown of King Gesar, the sea of Tibetan song and dance, and the junction with Ganzi Litang and Xiangcheng County of Sichuan Province, Mangkang County and Yanjing County of Tibet and Deqin County of Yunnan Province. It is an important node on National Highway 318 and the last County entered Tibet from Sichuan. Because of its relatively low altitude, there are abundant products, beautiful mountains and rivers, sweet fruits and outstanding people, it has the reputation of "the hometown of Xianzi and a beautiful place in Tibet like regions south of the Yangtze River ".

    2.Cuopugou - Prestigious Fairyland of Western Sichuan, Soul of Khampa

    Cuopugou is a relic secret area in the northern part of Batang County and on the side of Sichuan-Tibet Line. It covers an area of 900 square kilometers. Because of the inconvenience of transportation in the past, people rarely visited here. It retained the extreme natural and ecological landscape and rich cultural customs, there is the Holy Zhajinjiabo Mountain, the first holy lake in Kangba - Cuopu Lake, the first geothermal Park in Western Sichuan - hot pit spring group, the rear garden of King Gesar - Zhangde grassland... Here, however, it concentrates the beautiful scenery of Western Sichuan and even the whole Tibetan area, such as snow mountains, grasslands, forests, sea of flowers, canyons, hot springs, Haizi, temples, rare birds and animals... Here is Tao Yuanming's "Paradise" and the ideal kingdom of "ShangbaLa" in Tibetan Buddhist classics. This is a secluded paradise, a place which even attract fariy, with all the things in "Shangri-La" described in the novelThe Lost Horizon.

    3.Hero Challenge - Mountain Bike Race equalling Tour de France Standards

    HERO originated in the Dominic Mountains of Italy. It is known as the most difficult mountain race in the world. After nine years of development, HERO World Series has been held not only in Italy, but also in Dubai, Thailand and other countries with excellent reputation and international influence. HERO works together with China outdoor network, a top quality competition operator, responds to The Belt and Road Initiative and takes part in the top European mountain racing brand, landing on the top destination, the top secret county in Western Sichuan -Cuopugou, to create a model competition for Chinese mountain bikes.

    VIII.Event Highlights:

    1.Mountain bicycle race with the reputation of "Tour de France", Hero, the most famous mountain bicycle race in Europe, will be held in Ganzi, Batang, and the competition will apply for UCI (International Cycling Union) certification. International brand endorsement, high-end Competition positioning, unprecedented influence, gorgeous transformation into a global bike enthusiasts pilgrimage destination, to create Sichuan's first and highest altitude mountain bike race.

    2.Highlighting the characteristics of Batang, touching the most beautiful Caopugou: The competition will show Batang's history, humanities, nature, specialties and tourism resources in an all-round way. It will carry out visual design of the overall theme, including scene atmosphere building, opening ceremony, track design, medals, T-shirts and so on, combining with local unique Kangba culture, Tibetan Buddhist culture, King Gesar culture and Xianzi culture. The contestants will be able to observe the Buddhist pagodas, prayer flags and Mani stones on a unique track like the south of the Yangtze River in Tibet, appreciate the Zhajinjiabo Mountain, Wishing Lake, Zhuanshi Cave, Qiuzi Stone, Mojian Stone and Cuopu Temple, hot spring and other miracles, and feel the cultural diversity and natural geographical and geomorphological diversity on Batang land. 

    3.The Coolest Local Characteristic Supplies: Combined with the season, Batang local snacks and drinks are used as the supply on the track, such as yak beef, hot spring eggs, zanba, matsutake, etc., to make the rider enjoy food and ride comfortably. 

    4.The most reliable service: Powerful volunteer team will provide various reliable services: Massage and stretch at the destination, medal presentation by Lama, etc. 

    5.Most social broadcast + most complete media demonstration: Wearable live machine with the first-person perspective and immersive reality-show webcast to detonate friends' circle.

    6.Most achievable dream: Collect the participation dream of riding friends, then the committee will implant it through competition interaction and help them to realize the competition dreams. 

    7.Sports and tourism integration with individualized experience: Customize discount package for competitors and entourages to attract riding friends and families to travel in Batang; Improve the individualized experiences of competition participation, convenient online registration, performance, query of competition pictures; Thoughtful volunteer services, logistical support, individualized drawing and participation guidance, launching of scientific competition management methods create the competitor completion experiences with a sense of ceremony. With free photography services, the competitor can customize the participation flappers and propaganda slogan on kilometer board.

    8.Colorful accompanied competition activities: Such as recruit of LNT public-benefited riding friends, LNT (LNT mountain forest) workshop, club PK: The committee will make flags for ten clubs with no charge. Through the Wechat vote, detonate friends' circle.

    9.The strongest guarantee: Professional outdoor rescue team for mountains to escort life of riding friends; Specialized intelligent competition management system of huway.com will guarantee the scientific organization of competition; Professional timekeeping and judgment to ensure justice and equity; Rich supply makes competitors' physical ability abundant; Systematic training and passionate services of volunteers; Accurately allocated track experience personnel and accompanied first-aider can provide rescue at any time with safety guard; Professional after-competition recover with stretch and intimate vehicle delivery. 

    10.Forge the competition heritage: Combining international experience, set permanent road plate and intelligent self-service timekeeping system for the track. Normalized track endows sports and tourism with new missions. 

    11.The coolest atmosphere creation and holding of bicycle carnival for mountains at the corresponding period: Professional band performance on the scene, professional field-controlled host, professional coach leading for warm-up and cool atmosphere creation. 

    12.International professional competition organization: The competition will invite Italian Hero team to participate in competition operation. The pleased teams will join hands in strength. International competition flow management and professional scientific scheme control make the organization of competition perfectly safe in order.

    13.High-specification before-competition press conference and media meet-and-greet: In a month before competition, hold the large-scale press conference in Beijing and Chengdu. In two days before competition, hold the media meet-and-greet and competitor meet-and-greet, forge the all-media and stereometric propaganda matrix, amplify the media propagation effect in maximum to introduce Batang to the world and let the world focus on Batang.

    14.Forge Chinese mountain bicycle sports promotion base: Unite the Italian Hero to jointly forge the first Chinese high-altitude mountain bicycle sports promotion base.